Hi, I’m Mark. My call sign is KQ4MII and my usual QTH is Reston, Virginia, USA (FM18.)
I’ve been licensed as Technician since November 2023, as General since January 2024, and Extra since March 2024. Yes, I was on a bit of a roll. Additionally, I was credentialed by the ARRL VEC in October 2024.
I live in an apartment, which does tend to limit my options. Additionally, the terrain around my home is unfavorable for good propagation in certain directions. If I’d known when I moved here that I would finally be getting off my butt and getting licensed, I might have chosen a different location, but I like it here and I try to make it work.
Since I can’t set up a proper antenna easily, my operations are chiefly portable and mobile. I operate mostly on 2m and 70cm, with the occasional venture into the HF bands. From the top of my building’s parking garage, I can get decent reception for most of these. Transmission is a little hit-or-miss, but I can hit at least some other stations pretty reliably. I also do some ham-specific VoIP with EchoLink, AllStarLink, and DMR.
I’m particularly interested in public service. To that end, I’ve given my skill, station and service to organizations such as the Fairfax County CERT, SKYWARN, and the Marine Corps Marathon. But I also have fun in this area with events such as the Vienna (Virginia) Halloween parade. I’m lucky to be part of a great local club, Vienna Wireless, which puts on lots of events and has lots of people willing to share what they know.
See you on the air. 73!
You can email me at kq4mii@kq4mii.radio.
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